If you are a business owner looking for business grants to help you grow your business or start one, the Job Creators Quest Grant from Founders First CDC, the leading non-profit business accelerator program in the country for diverse-led companies is a great option.
The Founders First Business CDC is committed to helping businesses grow by providing them with grant opportunities, training programs, mentorship, and coaching programs to help you get your business running and growing with sufficient capital. The First Founders CDC programs have a number of programs to check out from boot camps to challenges and other programs for your business.
Indeed we know that finding, applying, and actually getting grants can be quite challenging, however, grants are indeed a great way to receive growth capital for your small business. The Founders First Grant program is a simple application, you can receive cash and other benefits for your qualifying company.
Minding My Black Owned Business

Minding my Black-owned business definitely requires way more than just letting your business run on auto-pilot. Finding the ideal grants to help you through the process of applying and getting funded can make all the difference when it comes to getting the grants that you desire to grow your business or start one.
This funding program is specifically designed for those in Texas. However, you may ask what do you do if you are not In Texas? Well, the program is going to be expanding nationwide, so keep a lookout for future grants in your area. You can have your business listed on our Black-owned business directory, and therefore getting notified when the expansion happens.
Black business founders can apply for one of our over 300 grants totaling over 21,000,000. Additionally, grant recipients also receive insightful business mentorship to diverse business accelerator programs to chart your growth path in your business. This can be very helpful when it comes to looking out for your options when it comes to finding grants for your business.
Minding my black owned svg can be your first idea to start a business, but knowing how to take that business idea to what you hope to make out of it can make all the difference. Taking an idea from just an idea to a business can be quite challenging, but quite feasible. You have to know what steps you hope to take in making that difference and helping to bring your dream to life.
Black Business Owned Sign

AfricanAmericanGrants.org is committed to helping businesses find funding for their business, and help them grow their businesses in diverse ways covering the following:
- Growth measured consistly year over year
- Receive grant information via email and website updates
- Create opportubities through business training and mentorship
- Get listed on our global business directory
- Receive grant and business support from AAG experts and much more.
If you would like help with applying for grants, you may book a consultation with AAG grant experts. If you have looked at the requirements of this grant, and you meet the grant eligibility criteria, you may go ahead and apply by clicking the link below.