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$40,000 Grants for Cultural Projects and Activities

Grants of up to $40,000 to Oregon nonprofit organizations, cultural entities, and institutions of higher education for a variety of cultural projects and activities in arts, heritage, history, preservation, and humanities. The goal of the grant program is to support high-impact programs and activities that fall into one of the following categories: access, preservation, creativity, and capacity.

Cultural Development Project Grants must be used to:

  • Address significant opportunities to advance, preserve or stabilize cultural resources;
  • Invest in the development of new resources;
  • Support proposals that have a broad cultural impact beyond the applicant itself;
  • Support proposals from applicants with culture as a priority within the mission of the organization.

Projects should achieve and support the Cultural Trust’s vision and mission:

  • Create an Oregon that champions and invests in creative expression and cultural exchange;
  • Help drive innovation and opportunity for all;
  • Cultivate, grow and value culture as an integral part of communities;
  • Inspire Oregonians to invest in cultural nonprofits;
  • Maximize visibility for the role of culture in our lives; and
  • Strengthen collaboration and support within the statewide cultural network.

The Cultural Development Grant program has four distinct categories. Organizations may submit only one application to one category a year:

  1. Access: Projects that make culture broadly available to Oregonians
  2. Preservation: Projects that invest in Oregon’s cultural heritage by recovering, preserving, and sharing historic assets and achievements
  3. Creativity: Projects that create and/or present cultural or scholarly work; projects that support the development of artists, cultural experts or scholars who promote culture as a core part of vibrant communities 
  4. Capacity: Projects that strengthen cultural organizations to increase stability, improve sustainability and/or measure/share cultural impacts.