This is a grant meant to Carolina nonprofit organization for the benefit of the local women and children who resides in eligible locations. Program focus are; health, education and workforce, housing and hunger. Applicants to submit LOL prior to submitting full application and be running programs in Guilford County only.
The grant is mainly to empower women and children to create their own wealth through their programs. This way they will be able to produce healthy families and vibrant communities.
For you to receive the funding, your agency must:
- Have 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status as defined by the internal revenue service.
- Spend no more than 5% of your budget on legislative involvement.
- Be running a program in Guildford County only.
Application process
Each agency to submit one application each year.
Intent letter to be submitted on March 1, 20231-April 1, 2023.
LOL notification and invitation to full application to take place in April 30, 2023.
Full application open on May 1, 2023- June 30, 2023.
Grantee notifications be done on September, 2023
Grant nonfiction will be on September, 2023.
Announcement and celebration to take place on December, 2023.
Distributions due on November, 2023.
Grant report to be on October, 2023.
Agency type: foundation/corporation
Funding source: community foundation of Greater Greensboro
LOL Date: 04/01/21
Deadline: 06/30/21
Terms of contract: one year grant
Geographical focus: North Carolina; Guildford County
Contact information
Contact page at; https://www.womentowomengreensboro
Review the funding source before starting your application at updates/changes/addendums/conferer. All letters of inquiry to be sent to:
Women to women
C/o Dena Maginnes- Jeffrey
330 S. Green Street, Suite 100
Greensboro, NC 27401.