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$10,000 Grants for Creation and Expansion of Agricultural Events

Grants of up to $10,000 Oklahoma individuals, cooperatives, and other agricultural entities for the creation or expansion of agricultural events that further or benefit public interest in the agricultural sector. Funding is intended for activities that prove an enhanced economic impact, increase participation and attendance, and include an educational component. Eligible expenses include contractual costs, rental or lease costs of equipment and supplies, rental or lease of facilities, prints costs, and advertising costs.

This grant is available to individuals or entities.

Principles should be individuals rather than a previously existing corporation. Those individuals must have some type of cooperative agreement between themselves that will ensure proper accountability for the proposed plan.

Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and shall reside and be a legal resident of Oklahoma.

Each applicant will be required to submit a letter endorsing the Event from a city or county government official or the local Chamber of Commerce. A thirty (30) minute presentation to the Board is required.

Application Deadlines:
-First business day in January
-First business day in April
-First business day in July
-First business day in October